First, it is advisable to update the system repositories and packages before installing the panel. Depending on your operating system, execute the following:

Once the update is complete, you can directly install the panel by running the following script:

Executing this command will perform several checks and display a menu to start the installation. Choose the installation option:

Next, another menu will appear to select between the free or paid version of LiteSpeed:

Enter the corresponding number and press Enter. If you select Enterprise, you will be prompted for the license. It will also ask if you want to perform a full installation:

Confirm the full installation. If you do not require any of the services, you can disable them later. For the next question:

It is recommended to leave it at the default setting, not configuring remote MySQL access, by simply pressing Enter. For the next question about the version, press Enter to install the latest version:

Is you have an error like this:

You can fix it with:

Next, you will be asked if you want to install memcached. Confirm if needed:

The same applies to Redis, install it if necessary:

Finally, you will be asked if you want to install WatchDog:

We recommend installing it, even though it is in beta, as it can help in case of lockups. After this last question, the installation of packages and CyberPanel will begin. Once completed, the default configuration and panel access details will be displayed:

If your provider has a network-level firewall, ensure the following ports are open for both inbound and outbound traffic:

If port 25 is blocked, email sending may not work properly.

Confirm the restart. Before accessing, remember that in Clouding’s firewall profile, the ports for accessing CyberPanel are not open. You will first need to create rules in the firewall profile for port 8090 TCP. Also, ensure to open other necessary ports, such as passive FTP. Check the configuration after the installation to verify the firewall.

Once the access port is open, use a web browser to enter the URL and credentials provided by the installer to log in to CyberPanel for the first time:

With this, you will have completed the installation and access to CyberPanel. We hope this tutorial has been helpful.